Monday 19 September 2011


less children came through the trail on this event,
and because of possibility of rain, 
we decided not to bring out the two extra fans,
and resulted in no movement with the tubes, they were just sitting on the ground.
but with the few kids that came through,
they were quite happy playing with the tubes, throwing them up in the air and running through them.
but they told us that when they first saw them they thought it could hold their weight...
and wanted to treat it like a bouncy castle,
only to find out after hugging it or trying to sit on it that it could not hold their weight.
One of the kids told us that more pressure within the tubes would have increased the fun of the tubes.

It started raining not long after the event started,
and people were no longer interested in engaging with it.
since the tubes were just lying on the ground,
and with strong winds blowing it in the way of pedestrians,
it was being kicked away by people walking through the fan trail.

The tubes also got really muddy after the event and require cleaning.


First Event.
was overall quite successful.
the members of public happily took photos with the tubes and happily experienced the spaces created by the tubes.
Although some were disappointed that they couldn't go in the container but they were quite happy having their backs against the fabric in front of the fan and took pictures.
We had 2 more fans by the side to create more movement with the tubes.